Online Medicine

Famotid 20 mg Tablet - 10's strip


Quantity: 1
SKU: T2M1259

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Full Description

Famotidine USP \n \nComposition :?Famotidine USP 20 mg & 40 mg Tablet. \n \nIndication :?Gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, anastomotic ulcer, acute stress ulcer, reflux esophagitis and ZollingerEllison syndrome. Famotid (Famotidine) is also indicated for the treatment of acute gastritis, chronic gastritis in acute exacerbation stage. \n \nDosage and administration :?For gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, anastomotic ulcer, upper gastro-intestinal hemorrhage, reflux esophagitis and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome: Usual dose for adults: Famotid-20 twice daily (after breakfast and after supper or before bed time) or Famotid-40 can be administered orally once daily at bed time. For the treatment of acute gastritis, chronic gastritis in acute exacerbation stage : Usual dosage for adults is Famotid-20 orally twice a day (after breakfast and after supper or before bed time). Also Famotid-40 can be orally administered once a day (before bed time), dosage should be adjusted according to age and symptoms. Most ulcer patients heal within 4-8 weeks. For maintenance therapy the recommended oral dose is 20mg once daily. \n \nUse in pregnancy and lactation :?Famotidine has been assigned to pregnancy category B by the FDA. \n \nPacking :?Famotid-20 : 10 x 10's blister pack. \n \n \nFamotid-40 : 10 x 10's blister pack.


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