About the Product

Full Description

Ciprofloxacin USP. \n \nComposition :?Ciprofloxacin 250mg, 500mg & 750mg Tablet. \n \nIndication :?Ciprofloxacin is a synthetic, 4- quinolone derivative with bactericidal activities against a wide range of gram-negative and grampositive organisms. Ciprofloxacin is indicated for the treatment of the following infections caused by sensitive bacteria like Severe systemic infections, Respiratory tract infections, Ear, nose and throat infections, Urinary tract infections, Skin & soft tissue infections, Gastro-intestinal infections, Eye infections, Biliary tract infections, Intra abdominal infections, Bone and joint infections, Pelvic infections and gonorrhoea. \n \nDosage and administration :?Please see prescribing description for more information. \n \nPregnancy :?Category C by FDA. \n \n \nPacking :?Ciprozid : 5 x 10's blister per box. \n \nCiprozid-Ds : 3 x 10's blister per box. \n \nCiprozid-750 : 3 x 10's blister per box.


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