Online Medicine

Aristovit B Tablet - 60's pot


Quantity: 1
SKU: T2M0424

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Tablet Aristovit B

Helps to release energy from nutrients
Vitamin B Complex is important for the body?s energy metabolism, which involves the utilization of glucose as energy source, conversion of glucose into bodily stores and the mobilization of stored glucose into energy. Vitamin B Complex works for releasing energy from three energy nutrients i.e. Carbohydrate, fat and protein. Vitamin B Complex helps to manufacture red blood cells that carry Oxygen to the tissues for the releases of energy. \n
Ensures vigor and vitality for weakened people
Promotes metabolic process \n
Vitamin B Complex acts as an essential cofactor for hundreds of enzymes and plays a role in glucose, lipid, and amino acid metabolism, which ultimately helps to improve digestive system.


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