About the Product

Full Description

\n \nTolfenamic Acid BP \n \nComposition :?Tolfenamic Acid 200 mg Tablet. \n \nIndication :?It is indicated for the treatment of acute migraine. \n \nDosage and administration :?Adults : 200 mg when the first symptoms of migraine appear. The treatment can be repeated once after 1-2 hours if a satisfactory response is not obtained. Children : A paediatric doses regimen has not yet been established. Or, as directed by the registered physicians. \n \nUse in pregnancy and lactation :?There are no adequate and wellcontrolled studies in pregnant women. During the first and second trimester of pregnancy, Tolfenamic acid should not be given unless clearly necessary. Like other NSAIDs, Tolfenamic acid should not be given in the last trimester. Tolfenamic acid can appear in breast milk in very low concentrations. It should be avoided when breast feeding. \n \nPacking :?Anilic: 3 x 10's tablets in blister pack. \n \n


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