About the Product

Full Description

\n \nComposition : \n \nEach gram oral gel contains 15 mg Miconazole USP. \n \nEach gram oral gel contains 30 mg Miconazole USP. \n \nIndication?: Oral treatment and prevention of fungal infections of the oropharynx and gastrointestinal tract. \n \nDosage & Administration :?For oral administration: \n \nDosage is based on 15 mg / kg /day after meal. \n \nAdults: 1 - 2 tea-spoonfuls of gel four times daily. \n \nChildren aged 6 years and over : One tea-spoonful of gel four times daily. \n \nChildren aged 2 - 6 years : One tea-spoonful of gel twice daily. \n \nInfants under 2 years : Half tea-spoonful of gel twice daily. \n \nFor localised lesions of the mouth, a small amount of A-Migel oral gel may be applied directly to the affected area with a clean finger 2 - 4 times daily. \n \nTreatment should be continued for up to 2 days after the symptoms have cleared. \n \nFor oral candidiasis, dental prostheses should be removed at night and brushed with the gel. \n \n


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