About the Product

Full Description

\n \nDescription: \n \nDophylin (Doxophylline) is a novel bronchodilator. It structurally differs from Theophylline due to the presence of a dioxolane group in position 7. Doxophylline selectively inhibits phosphodiesterase-4 thereby relaxes bronchial smooth muscle. However, differently from Theophylline, Doxophylline appears to have decreased affinities toward adenosine A1?and A2?receptors, which may account for the better safety profile of the drug. Doxophylline is reported to inhibit platelet activating factor (PAF) and generation of leukotriene production. \n \n  \n \nComposition: \n \nEach film-coated tablet contains Doxophylline INN 400 mg. \n \n  \n \nIndication:? \n \nDophylin (Doxophylline) is used to treat asthma, COPD and?? bronchospasm. \n \n  \n \nDosage & Administration: \n \nAdults : 1 tablet daily at night. On the basis of clinical response the dose may be? increased to 1 tablet twice daily. \n \nChildren (above 6 years of age) : 6 mg/kg twice daily. \n \nOR AS DIRECTED BY THE PHYSICIAN. \n \n


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