About the Product

Full Description

\n \nComposition?: V-Plex? Drops : Each ml contains : Vitamin A USP 5000 IU, Vitamin D BP 640 IU, Ascorbic Acid (Vit. C) BP 50 mg, Thiamine HCl (Vit. B1) BP 1.60 mg, Riboflavin (Vit. B2) BP 1.37 mg, Nicotinamide (Vit. B3) BP 10 mg, D-Panthenol (Vit. B5) USP 5 mg, Pyridoxine HCl (Vit. B6) USP 1 mg. \n \nIndications?: V-Plex Drops is used in children to maintain their normal vision, epithelial tissue and rickets. It is also indicated in scurvy, beriberi, pellagra, neuritis, inflammation of cornea, angular stomatitis, glossitis and other Vitamin B complex deficiency states. It may be used as an adjunct during treatment with antibiotics, sulfonamides and isoniazid. \n \nDosage & Administration?: V-Plex Drops can be administered orally either alone or along with milk, cereals and juice. \n \nChildren up to 1 year : 1/2 ml 1 - 2 times daily. \n \nChildren over 1 year : 1 ml 1 - 2 times daily. \n \n


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