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Suspension Viscocid

Viscocid??(is the combination of Sodium Alginate BP 500 mg & Potassium Bicarbonate BP 100 mg. Sodium Alginate reacts with the acid in the stomach to form a gel. Potassium Bicarbonate also reacts with the acid in the stomach to form bubbles of carbon dioxide. These bubbles are trapped by the gel and they allow the gel to float like a raft on top of the stomach contents. The raft prevents acid in the stomach from flowing back into the food pipe. This relieves the symptoms of reflux such as heartburn.
Viscocid??is used for the treatment of symptoms of gastro-esophageal reflux such as acid regurgitation, heartburn and indigestion (related to reflux), which may occur for example, following meals or during pregnancy or in patients with symptoms related to reflux esophagitis.


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