About the Product

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\n \nComposition?: Each tablet contains Sucralose USPNF 8mg equivalent to 1 teaspoonful of sugar in sweetness. \n \nUsages :?Zero??(Sucralose) can be used as sweetener in different foods like pudding, milk products, jelly, fruit juices, tea, coffee, desserts, hot and cold beverage etc. Due to zero calorie sweetener, it is a nice preparation for the health conscious people. \n \nZero??can be a unique choice for the diabetic patients who have excess amount of glucose in blood. FDA has confirmed that sucralose is suitable for use by everyone, including children, pregnant women and any person who wants to reduce calorie intake. \n \nDosage & Administration?: The acceptable daily intake (ADI) of Zero??(Sucralose) is 5 - 15 mg per kg of body weight. Normally one tablet in a cup of tea or coffee is enough to sweeten the drink. \n \n


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