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Capsule Vivis

The formulation contains essential antioxidant vitamins, minerals and Lutein. Lutein is a carotenoid specially concentrated in macula. This carotenoid could protect the macula from oxidative or light damage. One large study has found that high levels of dietary Lutein is associated with relatively lower risk of AMD (Age-Related Macular Degeneration). Zinc is an essential trace element involved in many enzyme systems. Copper plays important role in growth, skeletal integrity, and development of nervous system. Vivis? capsule is indicated for age-related eye diseases. This is an advanced new antioxidant supplement formulated to provide nutritional support for the eye. The recommended dose is One capsule, one or two times daily or as directed by the physician. Each box contains 3 alu-alu blister strips of 10 cappsules. Each capsule contains Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) USP 60 mg, Vitamin E USP 30 mg, Zinc (as Zinc Oxide USP) 15 mg, Copper (as Cupric Oxide Ph. Grade) 2 mg, Lutein USP 6 mg.


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