About the Product

Full Description

\n \nCephradine USP \n \nComposition :?Cephradine USP 250mg & 500mg Capsule. \n \nIndication :?In the treatment of infections of the urinary, respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts and of the skin and soft tissues. These include : Upper respiratory tract infections : pharyngitis, sinusitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, laryngo-tracheo bronchitis. Lower respiratory tract infections : acute and chronic bronchitis, lobar and bronchopneumonia. Urinary tract infections : cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis. Skin and soft tissue infections : abscess, cellulitis, furunculosis, impetigo. Gastro-intestinal tract : bacillary dysentery, enteritis, peritonitis. \n \nDosage and administration :?Oral : Adults : For urinary tract infections the usual dose is 500mg four times daily or 1g twice daily, severe or chronic infections may require larger doses. For respiratory tract infections and skin and soft tissue infections the usual dose is 250mg or 500mg four times daily or 500mg or 1g twice daily depending on the severity and site of infections. For gastro-intestinal tract infections, 500mg three or four times daily may be employed. Children : The usual dose is from 25 to 50mg/kg/day total, given in two or four equally divided doses or as directed by the registered physician. For otitis media daily doses from 75-100 mg/kg/every 6 to 12 hours are recommended to a maximum daily dose of 4g or advised by the registered physician. \n \nUse in pregnancy and lactation :?Cephradine has been assigned to pregnancy category B by the FDA. \n \nPacking : \n \nDicef 500 Capsule : 6 x 5's capsules. \n \nDicef 250 Capsule : 5 x 10's capsules . \n \n


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